Saturday 13 February 2010

Northward Ho! - Sat 13/2

On train heading north. Have had some train related fun today, as the conductor on one train realised he was on the wrong train, then we discovered the train had no driver, this after some line works caused their own disruption.(The shrieking children howling The Lion Sleeps Tonight didn't help!)

So now I'm heading through Stirling, blogging on the Newton, with some classic old Genesis on the iPod (Firth of Fifth!) towards a fun evening - doesn't get much better than this :)

(That's right- this was handwritten on the Newton and posted with nBlog - woohoo! And Newton IM is working too ! For some reason, when I had to restore from a backup, nBlog remembered about my main blog (this one), although it still seems not to be able to refresh the blog list to get the others - I think this is actually down to Blogger changing something rather than nBlog itself though...)

1 comment:

Genghis7777 said...

Hi Tony,

I still don't know what's going wrong with nBlog either but I stumbled a fix for the problem. Try it out. It might work for you too. It seemed to build the entire blog list anew. I haven't been game enough to hit the refresh button again after that though.