Sunday 5 October 2008

Aaaargh! - Sat 4/10

Today was spent mostly in bed - I think I needed a good long sleep as I didn't even rouse until about 1 in the afternoon. After that the usual round of dry cleaning & shopping.

Finally got round to taking the synth pickup back off the Strat. As it was it was too low to get a decent signal out, so I had to take it back off, shim it, and put it back on without stopping the strings ringing properly. Some good guesswork and a bit of luck (and having done it before !) meant I got it sorted out fairly quickly - still have to adjust the trimpots though.

After that, had to deal with Dad's laptop throwing another shit fit - Windows XP, networking - bag o'shite. Bah ! Fixed it, eventually, somehow...

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